RISE with SAP –
das Cloud-Angebot von SAP

What CAN YOU expect?


The SAP licensing world is constantly changing. Whether this represents a risk or an opportunity depends on how well you know your existing environment and your ability to effectively compare it with the sometimes confusing or even misleading options and offers. Probably the hottest topic at the moment is whether switching to “RISE with SAP” is a viable and cost-effective alternative to the existing on-premise situation. The question is: can you really rely on this messaging from SAP? A lot of money is at stake.

In diesem White Paper machen wir für Dich transparent, wo die tatsächlichen Schwerpunkte bei einem Wechsel zu »RISE with SAP« liegen, wo Aufwände entstehen und wo versteckte Kosten lauern. Es geht nicht primär um das SAP-Angebot und was im Detail enthalten ist – da gibt es genügend Abhandlungen dazu – sondern eher darum, was vielleicht nicht enthalten ist und in weiterer Folge, wo bei kleinsten Differenzen zwischen Bedarf und Pauschalangebot Kostenfallen lauern. 

VOQUZ Labs compares old license models with the new “RISE with SAP” subscription model, and brings its entire SAP licensing and environment expertise to provide you with a transparent assessment. Let us reveal here: it is definitely not as simple as it sounds in the SAP offer - as we all know, the devil often lies in the detail.