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Xensam Ltd.

Being the fastest growing SAM software on the market, Xensam has onsite sales presence in five countries on two continents and its vast customer and partner network is world-wide. Xensam’s software is developed using the latest, cutting-edge technology with a specific purpose: Reduce the unnecessary administration of managing software estates and accelerate business value derived from Software Asset Management programs. Notable technical features include the following: - Market Leading Software Recognition, Supported by Machine Learning. - Market Leading Cloud Application Coverage and Usage Metering, Including Microsoft 365 & Adobe CC - Dynamic Data center Management Module - Security Risk & GDPR Application Assessments

Are you sure you have the correct SAP licenses? Are you compliant with all relevant SAP license terms?


SAMQ's Gonna Tell You

Es kann so einfach sein – der samQ License Optimizer automatisiert und zentralisiert alle Deine SAP-Lizenzprozesse. Damit optimierst Du nicht nur Deine Kosten, Du reduzierst auch Deine Risiken und verbesserst Deine Compliance. Dank der nutzungs- und berechtigungsbasierten Lizenzverteilung ist Dein Unternehmen optimal auf die jährliche Systemvermessung vorbereitet, ohne dass Du User manuell klassifizieren musst.