Being the fastest growing SAM software on the market, Xensam has onsite sales presence in five countries on two continents and its vast customer and partner network is world-wide. Xensam’s software is developed using the latest, cutting-edge technology with a specific purpose: Reduce the unnecessary administration of managing software estates and accelerate business value derived from Software Asset Management programs. Notable technical features include the following: - Market Leading Software Recognition, Supported by Machine Learning. - Market Leading Cloud Application Coverage and Usage Metering, Including Microsoft 365 & Adobe CC - Dynamic Data center Management Module - Security Risk & GDPR Application Assessments
Are you sure you have the correct SAP licenses? Are you compliant with all relevant SAP license terms?
BROSCHÜRE HERUNTERLADENEs kann so einfach sein – der samQ License Optimizer automatisiert und zentralisiert alle Deine SAP-Lizenzprozesse. Damit optimierst Du nicht nur Deine Kosten, Du reduzierst auch Deine Risiken und verbesserst Deine Compliance. Dank der nutzungs- und berechtigungsbasierten Lizenzverteilung ist Dein Unternehmen optimal auf die jährliche Systemvermessung vorbereitet, ohne dass Du User manuell klassifizieren musst.