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Asset Accounting Controls in remQ, and One Do-It-Yourself Control

November 28, 2024






Overview of Asset Accounting

Asset accounting is a crucial component of financial management that involves tracking and managing the company’s fixed assets throughout their lifecycle. This includes the acquisition, depreciation, retirement, and disposal of assets. Proper asset accounting ensures accurate financial reporting, adherence to tax regulations, and efficient asset utilization.

Risks in Asset Accounting

Several risks are associated with asset accounting, particularly when controls are weak or manual processes are used. These risks include:

  • Misstatement of financial records due to inaccurate asset values or depreciation methods.
  • Fraud or misappropriation of assets through unauthorized transactions or improper retirements.
  • Non-compliance with tax laws, such as the improper capitalization of assets under construction or incorrect asset retirements.
  • Operational inefficiencies, such as asset purchases without proper approvals or asset transactions recorded with incorrect codes.

Asset Accounting Controls

To mitigate the risks and ensure compliance, the following controls can be implemented, and are part of the remQ solution:

  1. Assets Under Construction Not Capitalized
    • Background: Fixed assets under construction should be capitalized as soon as the payment is made. This ensures that costs are properly tracked and recorded in line with financial reporting standards.
    • Risk: Delays between invoice date and posting date can lead to increased tax payments or misreporting of asset values.
    • How to Detect: remQ analyzes invoices related to assets under construction with large time intervals between the invoice date and posting date, helping to prevent incorrect tax calculations.
  2. Asset Retirement Prior to Useful Life
    • Background: A formal approval process is required for the sale, disposal, abandonment, or transfer of fixed assets before the end of their useful life.
    • Risk: Unauthorized asset retirement can lead to asset misappropriation or violations of local tax laws, particularly if the replacement value is calculated incorrectly.
    • How to Detect: remQ analyzes asset retirements to ensure that they occur at the appropriate time in the asset’s lifecycle, detecting any retirements made prior to the asset’s useful life.
  3. Retirement of Assets Over the Critical Value
    • Background: Certain transactions, such as asset retirements, are recorded through specific transaction types in asset accounting. These need to be reviewed carefully, especially retirements without revenue.
    • Risk: Non-approved retirement of high-value assets can lead to financial misstatements or potential fraud.
    • How to Detect: remQ flags retirements made without revenue and detects instances where the net book value of the asset is above the predefined threshold, ensuring proper asset disposal procedures are followed.
  4. Creation of an Asset and Entering a Purchase Order
    • Background: The acquisition of fixed assets requires creating an asset master record and a purchase order. Segregation of duties is necessary to prevent conflicts of interest.
    • Risk: Unauthorized purchase of fixed assets can occur if proper segregation between purchasing and asset accounting departments is not enforced.
    • How to Detect: remQ checks if the same user has both created the asset master record and the related purchase order, identifying potential conflicts in the asset creation process.
  5. Unusual Transaction Types with Assets
    • Background: SAP provides over 250 transaction types for asset-related processes. Transactions outside of these standard practices should be carefully scrutinized.
    • Risk: Unauthorized transactions, such as retirements or revaluations, may be used to manipulate asset records or financial statements.
    • How to Detect: remQ monitors for infrequent or unusual transaction types in asset accounting, identifying any irregularities in asset-related transactions that warrant further investigation.

By automating these asset accounting controls, remQ significantly reduces the risk of fraud, ensures compliance with tax regulations, and improves the accuracy and efficiency of asset management processes.

Do-It-Yourself Control: SoD Violations for Asset Master Data and Recording the Acquisition of Fixed Assets

The conflict arises when a single user has authorizations to maintain both Maintain Asset Master Data (create or modify fixed asset records) and Record Acquisition of Fixed Assets (post acquisition transactions for fixed assets).

Scenario Example:

  1. A user has access to transaction codes such as AS01 (Create Asset Master Record) or AS02 (Change Asset Master Record) to maintain or modify asset data.
  2. The same user also has access to transaction codes such as F-90 (Post Asset Acquisition) or ABZON (Post Acquisition Without Vendor) to record acquisitions for those assets.
  3. With both accesses, the user can create fictitious assets and post acquisitions against them, potentially enabling fraudulent activities such as misappropriation of company funds.

Risks Associated with this SoD Conflict:

  1. Fraud Risk:
    The user could create fictitious assets or manipulate existing asset data and then record acquisitions, resulting in unauthorized transactions or financial misstatements.
  2. Financial Misstatement:
    The combination of these two activities can result in incorrect asset values being recorded, impacting the organization's financial statements.
  3. Asset Mismanagement:
    Unauthorized or inappropriate asset transactions may go undetected, leading to asset mismanagement or loss.
  4. Lack of Audit Trail:
    If the same user performs both activities, it becomes difficult to trace errors or fraudulent activities due to a lack of segregation in the workflow.

Here is our Do-It-Yourself guide on how to identify this SoD violation in SAP, using the SQVI Query Viewer:

Step 1: Access the QuickViewer

  1. Open the SAP GUI and navigate to the transaction SQVI (QuickViewer).
  2. In the initial screen of QuickViewer:
    • You will see an option to Create, Change, or Display existing QuickViews.
    • Enter a name for your QuickView (e.g., TESTSODFA1) in the QuickView field.

Step 2: Create a New Query

  1. Click the Create button to start creating a new QuickViewer query.
  2. In the Create QuickView: Choose Data Source popup:
    • QuickView Name: Ensure the name entered matches the one provided on the initial screen (e.g., TESTSODFA1).
    • Title: Enter a descriptive title for the query (e.g., SoD FA).
    • Comments: Add any comments (optional) to describe the purpose of the query.
    • Data Source: Select the appropriate data source. For this guide:
      • Choose Table Join from the dropdown menu under Data source.
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Tablet mit dem Deckblatt des Dokuments

Adding Tables (ANLA, ANEP, and BKPF) to the Query

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Open the Add Table Screen:
    • In the "Create QuickView: Choose Data Source" screen, click the Add Table icon or use the input field shown in the popup.
  2. Add Table ANLA:
    • In the Table field of the popup, type ANLA (Asset Master Record Table).
    • Click the green checkmark (✔) to confirm.
    • This table contains information about the fixed assets, including asset numbers and descriptions.
  3. Add Table ANEP:
    • Repeat the above step, and this time, enter ANEP (Asset Line Items Table).
    • Click the green checkmark (✔) to confirm.
    • This table contains detailed line item information for postings related to assets.
  4. Add Table BKPF:
    • Again, repeat the same step, and enter BKPF (Document Header Table).
    • Click the green checkmark (✔) to confirm.
    • This table contains document-level data such as posting date, document type, and company code.
  5. Verify Tables:
    • Ensure all three tables (ANLA, ANEP, BKPF) are listed in the workspace for defining relationships and conditions.

Define Joins Between Tables

  1. Join ANLA and ANEP:
    • Use the following fields for the join:
      • ANLA-BUKRS (Company Code) = ANEP-BUKRS (Company Code)
      • ANLA-ANLN1 (Main Asset Number) = ANEP-ANLN1 (Main Asset Number)
      • ANLA-ANLN2 (Asset Subnumber) = ANEP-ANLN2 (Asset Subnumber)
  2. Join ANEP and BKPF:
    • Use the following fields for the join:
      • ANEP-BUKRS (Company Code) = BKPF-BUKRS (Company Code)
      • ANEP-BELNR (Document Number) = BKPF-BELNR (Accounting Document Number)
      • ANEP-GJAHR (Fiscal Year) = BKPF-GJAHR (Fiscal Year)

Step 3: Verify Joins

  • Ensure that each pair of fields is connected as shown in the provided diagram.
  • Confirm that the fields align correctly, and all logical relationships are established.

Step 4: Save and Proceed

  1. Save the join conditions by clicking the Save icon.
  2. Proceed to Field Selection to include relevant data for the query results.

Adding Selection Fields in QuickViewer

To refine the query and allow filtering of results, you need to configure the Selection Fields. This step involves adding the necessary fields from the tables ANLA, ANEP, and BKPF for use in the selection criteria.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Access the Selection Fields Tab

  • In the QuickViewer: Initial Screen, locate and click the Selection Fields tab.
  • This is where you define which fields users can filter on when running the query.

2. Add Selection Fields

From Table ANLA (Asset Master Record Segment):

  • Select the following fields:
    • ANLA-BUKRS (Company Code): To filter results by company.
    • ANLA-ANLN1 (Main Asset Number): To filter by specific asset numbers.
    • ANLA-ERDAT (Date on Which Record Was Created): To filter assets created within specific dates.
    • Additional fields like ANLA-ANLKL (Asset Class) can be included if needed.

From Table BKPF (Accounting Document Header):

  • Select the following fields:
    • BKPF-BUKRS (Company Code): To filter by the company responsible for the posting.
    • BKPF-BELNR (Accounting Document Number): To narrow down specific documents.
    • BKPF-BLART (Document Type): To filter transactions by type.
    • BKPF-BUDAT (Posting Date): To analyze postings within a date range.
    • BKPF-USNAM (Username): To identify transactions created by specific users.

From Table ANEP (Asset Line Items):

  • Select the following fields:
    • ANEP-BELNR (Accounting Document Number): To establish a link with BKPF.
    • ANEP-GJAHR (Fiscal Year): To analyze transactions within a specific fiscal period.

3. Activate the Selection Fields

  1. Tick the checkbox next to the required fields under the Selection column in the relevant tables.
  2. Ensure that you have chosen fields that will aid in analyzing the Segregation of Duties (SoD) conflict.

4. Save the Configuration

  • Once all necessary selection fields have been added, click the Save button to store your query settings.

5. Test the Selection Criteria

  • Execute the query by clicking Execute in the QuickViewer.
  • Test the added selection fields by entering sample values (e.g., specific asset numbers, document types, or date ranges) to verify that the filtering works correctly.
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Tablet mit dem Deckblatt des Dokuments
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Executing the QuickViewer Query and Using the Selection Screen

The selection screen allows users to specify filter criteria to narrow down query results. Here's how to use it effectively:

1. Understanding the Selection Screen

Program Selections:

  • Company Code:
    • Enter the company code (e.g., 1000) to filter records for a specific organization unit.
    • Use the "from" and "to" fields to select a range of company codes if necessary.
  • Date on Which Record Was Created:
    • Specify the date range for asset creation.
    • Example:
      • From: 01.01.2000
      • To: 31.12.2024
    • Use the calendar icon to pick dates if available.
  • Accounting Document Number:
    • Enter a specific document number or a range to filter records for certain accounting documents.

2. Configuring the Output Format

  • SAP List Viewer:
    • Ensure the radio button is selected for SAP List Viewer to display query results in a standard table format.
    • This format allows for sorting, filtering, and exporting data.

3. Executing the Query

  1. After entering the selection criteria:
    • Click the Execute button (green checkmark) at the bottom or top of the screen.
    • The system will retrieve and display results based on the entered filters.
  2. Review the Results:
    • The query will return data related to the SoD conflict (e.g., asset creation and posting records).
    • Validate that the output aligns with your input criteria.

4. Exporting the Results

  • Once the results are displayed in the SAP List Viewer:
    • Use the export options (e.g., Excel, CSV) if you need to share or further analyze the data.
    • You can find the export icon in the toolbar.

Best Practices

  1. Use Precise Filters:
    • Enter specific criteria to avoid retrieving excessive data. For example, limit the date range or specify exact document numbers.
  2. Validate Input:
    • Double-check the input fields to ensure accuracy, especially for date ranges and document numbers.
  3. Save Variants:
    • Save frequently used filters as variants for quick execution in the future.

Note, the SQVI query is saved in the system and you can re-run this at any later time, making this whole effort re-usable and therefore this is an easy to do step to further automate your internal controls, which improves compliance, but also reduces costs.


Tomislav Limbevski

With over 18 years of SAP experience, Tomislav is a seasoned Customer Success Manager at VOQUZ Labs, specializing in the remQ product with SAP functional expertise. Known for his solution-oriented and detail-focused approach, Tomislav is dedicated to driving customer success and innovating solutions within the SAP landscape. With a strong focus on maximizing the value of remQ, he continuously seeks to make a tangible impact and deliver exceptional results to clients. A sparring partner to solve your risk and compliance problems? Then Tomislav :)


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